Category: Dharma

  • Poem – Saman

    Poem – Saman

    The black silent outline moves closer as time passes, time not from here. The empty sky vibrates as a thin line emerges from the horizon’s depths. I walk into the water folding with the sky and feel no cold, no pain, no burden as the golden light seeps into my heart. Upon the ancient boulders…

  • How you can use your camera to get closer to Zen

    A short article Tricycle (The Buddhist Review) on photography and finding your zen, inner peace.

  • Poem – Birth

    In the beginning we come into this space as innocent beings fumbling around the empty fields stretching forever. We stare in wonder and with amazement as to the endless possibilities and the control we have of our life. Then something changes and the field begins to fill with objects and obstacles and where there was…

  • Poem – Return

    In the end, when this life becomes the next, we become the raw materials returned to earth only to rise and become the flowers of tomorrow.

  • Poem – Flowers

    In the end, when this life becomes the next, we are left behind as one flower in the open fields becoming 10-thousand blooming and radiant beings.

  • Poem – One Mind

    We inhabit this space for reasons we still chase through light and dark through heaven and hell through ancient texts and drawings. The human spirit longs for place, a concrete connection to surroundings, a palpable definition of home. How can we look out there when we do not how we got here? To measure today…

  • Poem – Calm

    Time and age conspire with numbers setting expectations. You are only as old as you feel and that depends on the body’s voice. These things are mostly out of our control and in youth we ignore and push limits looking to find something beyond life looking over the edge at the mouth of death. As…

  • Poem – Stain

    If I pull back the thick fog they still consume my eyes. If I run into the water and let go, let the waves push and pull me as I fall toward the floor, they consume my conscious thoughts and what was empty and calm becomes clouded and my next actions are in conflict to…

  • Poem – White Snow

    White snow absent of mind dusts, absent of tree shadows and raven wings. White snow becomes the moon filled river. White snow becomes the expanding horizon. White snow becomes what we bring, what we perceive. An empty canvas, the empty field becomes a blank page and the contents of our full minds, the charged emotions…

  • Poem – Excerpt from Beyond

    The following is an excerpt from the upcoming book “Beyond the Border Kingdom”. I look over the empty sea void of waves and ships and imagine you walking from the horizon toward me, gaining shape and definition, yet still a shadow, a faceless being that I have attached the label of “you” to but my…