Category: Photography

  • Golden Path

    Golden Path

    Long has it been since I touched these rocks and waters,weighed down with burden and future thoughts. Searching for answers in the turbulent seas,I venture into the cold morning with a mind waiting. Rocks near the water in a constant struggleof freezing and thawing as the sun emerges. Stepping from rock to rock to ledgeI…

  • Distant Guiding Light

    Distant Guiding Light

    Descending into winterdeceiving clear skiesgive way to earth curlinginto itself for warmth. Breaking trails through fresh snowascending from the empty fields,the way surrounded by grass opensand the guiding light appears.

  • Pushing Through

    Pushing Through

    Pushing through the pain we see the end. Our vision expanded beyond our sphere. Perhaps we see the next milestone that offers a glimmer of hope. A sign post that we are almost there and on the other side across the chasm we are a better version of ourselves individually and collectively ready for the…

  • Fracture 93: Moving the Future into the Present

    Fracture 93: Moving the Future into the Present

    (1) There, there I see you – walking along the shoreline,the sun is your companion. The ocean wind is relentlessyou continue walking into the headwind. I see pieces of you fall away and in turnthe fragments begin following you. I close my eyes and see a version of youthe you of another time. Each fragment…

  • From the Ashes

    From the Ashes

    Stripped to our raw selvesshed of armor and protection. Chaos and denial slowlyreplaced by thought and cooperation. The defining characteristics of humans,what makes us unique and capable, surfaces through the darknessand with glorious irony what forces us apartbrings humanity closer together.

  • If Jackson Pollock was a photographer – #21

    If Jackson Pollock was a photographer – #21

    I imagine one his photographs might look like this:

  • Silent Objections

    Silent Objections

    The calm water reflects the coldmorning sky coming on-line. Pierced by raven calls and lulledby rolling waves. Fragments I carried herebegin to slip into the water. The cold and water I have come to embraceas years have passed, has not changed. The same stones mark the way to an ice covered shorelineand that tree has…

  • A Slow Start to 2020

    A Slow Start to 2020

    As 2020 emerges from the cold waters, we take stock of the previous year. It feels as though time is speeding up, the older we get. The truth is, we are squeezing more from each moment, reaching out beyond ourselves, enriching the experiences we have, and walking more in-step with the world. Looking back, I…

  • If Jackson Pollock was a photographer – #20

    If Jackson Pollock was a photographer – #20

    I imagine one his photographs might look like this:

  • Another Winter

    Another Winter

    Spring fell into an early winter. We scramble to remember how cold was last year? How much snow? Where is that puffy jacket? With little warning, no fanfare, the sky settles into the land, wrapping grey arms around each tree. The road home follows that reddish path mixed with wet snow into a hazy transition…