Tag: answers

  • Golden Path

    Golden Path

    Long has it been since I touched these rocks and waters,weighed down with burden and future thoughts. Searching for answers in the turbulent seas,I venture into the cold morning with a mind waiting. Rocks near the water in a constant struggleof freezing and thawing as the sun emerges. Stepping from rock to rock to ledgeI…

  • From the Another Place

    From the Another Place

    Descending from the material world, the physical objects and possessions,distractions taking focus away from the core, the mind, the essence – I struggle to let go. Do I purposely keep these close at hand, purposely keep distracted? What am I avoiding? What am I afraid of? What do I not want to see? Fear protects…

  • Poem – Emerging from the Depths with Stardust

    Poem – Emerging from the Depths with Stardust

    The blood-red sky of time before the sun rises intermingled with black clouds, the air is cold and still. I stand in a circle around the perimeter waiting for the moment told through ages, through dreams and the instinct telling me this is the place, this is where I need to be. Many years passed…

  • Poem – In the Silence

    Poem – In the Silence

    In the stationary silence I seek answers that already lie at me feet. I look for skies that already fill my vision. And I seek truth to my purpose that has played out for hundreds of years. What hands move the pieces in this universe? What hands guide the universes along the surface of the…

  • Poem – More Questions Than Answers

    That crossroad we come to in moments of stress and blocks, the struggle choking rational thoughts, the behavior, the actions – this is not me. How did this happen? How did I get here? Change is subtle and patient. One day we vow to find balance, to live and act a certain way, to be,…

  • Poem – Searching the Earth

    Surrounded by more questions than answers the day continues the race from yesterday. Searching the earth for clues, a sign, some semblance of another part of ourselves, perhaps one that has answers, one that has been down that path before. We scrape the dry hardened ground and find nothing. Hands steeped in dirt the afternoon…

  • Poem – Questions

    “Are you out there beyond the merging of the sky and the sea?” I ask of the ravens atop trees lining the shoreline. I am torn as to my place here when I only have a few fragments left, the rest have scattered, on a journey through the infinite space, speeding toward the beginning or…

  • Poem – This Way Before

    I have been down this path before that empty silent road leading nowhere and everywhere, the cold wind, the bare trees, and the sky merging with the earth – where does it end and where does it go? I have been in that state of disconnect, beyond lost, detached from people, from reality, from myself,…

  • Poem – Boundaries and Borders That We Find That We Cross

    Standing at the shoreline I awake when the sun peaks over the horizon and the waves crawl across frozen rock and cover my feet. I do not know how long I have been here at this border between the land and the sea. I have vague recollections of why I am here. You see, years…

  • Poem – Finding Home in the Chaos – Part 4

    These simple moments of nature’s gentle cycle coupled with the raw energy exhibited here and beyond humble this man juggling chaos looking for simplicity looking for answers to questions I have not asked.