Tag: cultivate

  • Poem – Apathy

    With an apathetic look in tired eyes he turned away from the edge, hundreds of feet above the turbulent waters, and walked toward the forest, across the empty road absent of any traffic since the morning, into the cultivated fields, curiously empty, and sat next to the stone marker and finally wept.

  • Poem – White Snow

    White snow absent of mind dusts, absent of tree shadows and raven wings. White snow becomes the moon filled river. White snow becomes the expanding horizon. White snow becomes what we bring, what we perceive. An empty canvas, the empty field becomes a blank page and the contents of our full minds, the charged emotions…

  • Poem – Fields

    Shining brilliantly through grey fog hugging the soaked ground the light I cannot see is there in my mind, there in my eyes. Fading snow cover reveals the field I have been searching for the field anchored by one lantern surrounded by ten-thousand trees. Pick up the lantern and in the light turn yourself around,…

  • Essay – Guides and Turning Points

    How did I get here? An important question I throw into the air while reading, writing, and drinking coffee on a cold morning with early sunlight across the fields. In this current state of being, I awoke a few years ago after sleep walking through most of my life and leaving my path up to…

  • Book – Not answers, but where to look

    The one single book that has helped me to focus, let go, and where to find the answers is “Cultivating the Empty Field” by Zen Master Hongzhi. This was recommended years ago by Hanakia Zedek, and along with his friendship, has truly been life changing.

  • Poem – Walked Across the Field

    I walked across that empty field after the weeds took over and boulders fell from the darkening sky and trees took root. I walked across what used to be the empty field a gameboard for my mind a history of what has taken place, what I allowed to happen and I threw gasoline everywhere and…

  • On “Dualism”

    I am reading the “Cultivating the Empty Field” for the second time, and also Dogen’s “Moon in a Dewdrop”. From this perspective I have been working to understand Dualism and Nondualism. In a nutshell, here are my thoughts, and I want to see if I am even close to understanding the basic concepts. In Nondualism: 1.…

  • Senzing Zen

    This blog will officially move to its new domain in a few days.  The logo has been updated along with the header image.  The website, www.senzingzen.com has the following meaning: The sensing and feeling of the energy and dynamism of Zen. In my recent studies of various philosophies and schools of thought, I keep coming…

  • Poem – Shift in Energy Patterns

    We survived the 21st and made it to northern MN, to be rewarded with Nature’s majesty.  Photos will be posted later of the sunset of the winter solstice and the guardian Orion watching over us. We are still here having survived the end of this physical place. Did I learn anything from this warning issued…