Tag: happy

  • Poem – Home

    Home is that place with the open gate and the familiar road lined with tree shadows and silence of a full heart and a clear mind.

  • The Light Settling in the Woods

      Old growth trees line a worn path cut from loggers decades before. The floor is covered with fallen needles and moss. A single white birch exists within the pine trees and glows no matter the time of day. Red squirrels run up tree trunks and jump to the next branch. If this is a…

  • Poem – Matter

    Sitting on the warm patio the afternoon sun is calm and soothing. The wind from the north is strong and cool – we shade our eyes. The grass recently lost its cover and the yard is brown and crunches beneath dog’s feet. The sky is blue and filled with black wings – we watch ravens…

  • Poem – Picnic

    From the collection I am writing about “Joline”. It was a beautiful fall morning with sun scattered by oak and aspen atop the hill overlooking the bustling city. We sat at the picnic table with coffee and each other’s hand. We talked of dreams and plans for life after today, but for now it was…

  • Essay – Ice Climbing, Alaska 2007

    I wrote this a couple of weeks ago about ice climbing in 2007 in Alaska (Matanuska Glacier).  The memory and the experience is as fresh as drinking coffee this morning.  It is seared into my being and will be a part of me for the rest of my time.  As I have aged and who…