Tag: hongzhi

  • Poem – Fields

    Shining brilliantly through grey fog hugging the soaked ground the light I cannot see is there in my mind, there in my eyes. Fading snow cover reveals the field I have been searching for the field anchored by one lantern surrounded by ten-thousand trees. Pick up the lantern and in the light turn yourself around,…

  • Book Review – Cultivating the Empty Field

    This is a follow-up to my previous post about the book “Cultivating the Empty Field: The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi”. This book is edited and translated by Taigen Dan Leighton and Yi Wu. I would consider this a classic Zen text and one every practitioner, from beginnings to masters should have. Included are…

  • Book – Not answers, but where to look

    The one single book that has helped me to focus, let go, and where to find the answers is “Cultivating the Empty Field” by Zen Master Hongzhi. This was recommended years ago by Hanakia Zedek, and along with his friendship, has truly been life changing.