Tag: journey

  • Comfort Taken from What is Given

    Comfort Taken from What is Given

    I imagine this scene, a snapshot of any ordinary point in time, perhaps not meaningful to anyone else, is everything I need. Wandering the path in no hurry, with no end goal, I listen. For years I have walked this land, but there was always a burden being carried. Aware of this, my attention to…

  • Poem – The Road

    Poem – The Road

    The road into the distant sky seems untouchable, the journey seems impossible, but this is the start, this is only the beginning, if I choose to walk. I return to that road whenever direction is needed whenever I need a reminder of the path at my feet that I choose to forget. How to bring…

  • Poem – The Wanderer, part 3

    In the middle of a field empty from horizon to horizon I wandered beneath empty skies until the fog appeared and I changed direction toward the emerging mass of white devouring the sky.   I wandered faithfully but with diminishing hope that at the end of this journey I would find salvation.

  • Poem – The Last Day in This Flesh

    The last time I exit the empty field, crossing over the still black water will be the last day in this flesh. On the other side the machines wait with steely patience where they have stood for years. When we next awaken from what seems like a dream we will be near the base of…

  • Poem – A Season in Hell

    A season in hell has passed as I rose through the fractures in the liquid earth and woke in the fields beneath the winter sun. Surrounded by snow and bare trees I immediately recognized this place and only knew of my journey here by the deep and fresh scars.

  • Interview / Peter Vircks

    Here is the interview I conducted with Peter Vircks, a jazz musician from Minnesota.  This appears in the Fall 2014 issue of Stone Path Review. Introduction, by William Ricci Minneapolis-based musician, composer and arranger Peter Vircks is a founding member of the modern jazz group Moveable Feast and the Peter Vircks Quartet. He is also…

  • Poem – Far Reaches

    At the end of this journey I stood before the bursting stars and bathed in the energy and light. I cupped matter in my hands and I drank the elements. Time did not exist and I knew nothing of time. There was no separation. There was no boundary. I became one with myself. I returned…

  • Poem – Journey to the Bus

    The following poem is inspired and in the memory of Christopher Johnson McCandless. When I first read “Into the Wild”, I had never visited Alaska, but the idea dug its way into me. Subsequent reads and trying to look further and understand potential reasons behind his actions, helped to cement a mindset and extreme desire…

  • Poem – That Delicate Balance

    I listen and watch the stories unfold of tragedy and unrest of the mountains unease. There is no escaping the silent truths under whispered breath – we are at her mercy. In the throes of spring I swim within my own journey and the resurrection I undertook with your hand gently upon my shoulder and…

  • Season’s Haiku – A 365 Day Journey

    Back in 2008, I started a project with the goal of writing one haiku, in the 5-7-5 format, each day for one year.  This went from 02/16/2008 to 02/14/2009 and resulted in a 62 page book of mostly nature themed haiku.  It was daunting challenge but kept me writing and thinking about writing when I…