Tag: memories

  • Has the Time Arrived?

    Has the Time Arrived?

    Living in the present with thoughts and energyfirmly cast into the past with vivid memories. Each sunrise across the morning sea,each moment spent here is with your memory. So many years have passed,it feels like yesterday, the heart is heavy,the void still waiting. When the sky turns to gold and the pathI have spent years…

  • Poem – A Childhood in Retrospect

    Shifting through photos I feel no connection, no recognition to the person with time and years ahead of them, looking to the future. Pausing at one in particular in the midst of summer, oak leaves burning with white light, the sun slowly fading into the horizon behind the hill at the street’s end. What was…

  • Poem – Memories

    At the dawn of each day our past experiences become memories frozen in the depths of our mind, kept safe until we need a reminder of how we got here.

  • Poem – Memories

    Memories of distant surfaces of planets I have not seen. Mountains beyond the eyes reach and multiple suns that never set. Where is the place beyond the known expanse of space? I see white petals falling into the black water over and over and over. I stand at the confluence and water washes over my…

  • Poem – A Found Memory

    The photographs we find in dusty hidden boxes in places we have forgotten have stories etched in the faded lines and memories hidden in the subdued colors.

  • Poem – Time’s Gift

    As with everything time marches in one direction that we perceive but in quiet moments we reflect back on past time, bring it into the present, and savor every morsel we remember.

  • Poem – The Physical Manifestation of the Mind, Part 1

    The air I taste and breath surfaces sharp and distinct memories from a time I had forgotten. Across the empty fields losing to the shadows the land becomes the physical manifestation of my mind. I walk around and examine each thread, each connection some are familiar and soft some are foreign and sharp.

  • Poem – Present Memories

    The night becomes the morning and the sun lays across thinning snow and dormant vegetation. The darkness and silence are broken when the trees become engulfed in light. A small window into the vast universe opens above the horizon.

  • Poem – Stain

    If I pull back the thick fog they still consume my eyes. If I run into the water and let go, let the waves push and pull me as I fall toward the floor, they consume my conscious thoughts and what was empty and calm becomes clouded and my next actions are in conflict to…

  • Poem – What is this Fire We Walk Within?

    I don’t need words and pages to explain the concept of hell – just being human, just living will teach you invaluable lessons, will drag you through depths testing and defining character while breaking what you thought you know, who you thought you were. Hell is boundless and placeless – stop for a moment while…