Tag: shift

  • Poem – To the Outside

    Poem – To the Outside

    To the outside we are primitive specks of dust lost on some distant chunk of molten rock destined for an uncertain future defined by the egoistical driven actions we take for ourselves with little regard to the sphere of influence we exert on those around us. We are primitive in our methods and usage of…

  • Where we are going, what have we done

    I tend to be a private person when it comes to political, economic, and social issues, but the state of the world now is too much to keep inside, to keep from spilling like blood into sands. As a person and part of humanity, with a connection to each living being, I feel sadness and…

  • Poem – To No One

    I sat down to write what’s consuming my mind day in and day out. I thought on the state of the world the wars, the drought, the famine – the social and environmental issues that continue to plague all beings. I thought about what can we do I thought about what can I do. What…

  • Poem – Shift in Energy Patterns

    We survived the 21st and made it to northern MN, to be rewarded with Nature’s majesty.  Photos will be posted later of the sunset of the winter solstice and the guardian Orion watching over us. We are still here having survived the end of this physical place. Did I learn anything from this warning issued…

  • Poem – Recurring Dream

    This poem was started after a friend of mine lost his life in the Boundary Waters of northern, MN a few years ago. Since then, it has taken a more internal tone as we look to ourselves and examine what is within. A spirit enters the café The mind of nature, of being Walked through…

  • Shift, markers and perception

    There has been much talk about a shift and some big event that will shake humanity like a rag doll, until we wake up.  It is supposed to lift us from a deep sleep, bring us into the light and in front of a mirror, where we gaze at the reflection of what we are…

  • End of August, 2012

    The last day of August, with another full moon, brings us closer to fall and the myriad of colors that Minnesota allows us to enjoy.  It feels like this year is slipping away, but the remaining months could bring much change, and there will be a shift, as more and more people wake up from…

  • Over Lunch

    From a distance, over breakfast or lunch, I sit and watch. I listen. Taken in by the environment, I am anonymous, no one special. I do not stand out. Here is what I see: People hiding behind cell phones, showing affection to the beautiful glow of the screen and downloading apps; intense conversations working toward…