Tag: belief

  • Of Religion, Spirituality, and Nothing

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Whatever your belief or non-belief (to say you believe in nothing is still a belief system); whatever deity or non-deity you look toward for guidance, comfort, or even out of a sense of obligation, is a personal choice. It is a choice that no other person, group, or government should…

  • Belief


    On this spring day with the tinge of winter, Easter is upon us. The cream corn casserole, a staple and tradition that my grandfather started and I humbly continue to prepare for the holidays, is in the oven and filling the house with memories. Leroy lays at my feet while I watch robins cling to…

  • Peace, Comfort, Belief

    I hope we all find some peace, comfort, and belief today. My beliefs have changed and morphed much over the years.  As I have gained more experience, listened to others, and finally listened to myself, I have come to a set of beliefs that work for me internally.  That work for me as I venture…