Tag: empty field

  • Poem – I am Out There

    (1) Frequent glimpses of moving shadows and white figures. (2) One last time I enter the cold darkness and find a mass near the bushes, but this object reflects nor consumes light and I immediately feel a connection and cry when I know this is my shadow. (3) A view across the expanse of empty…

  • Poem – Awoke

    I awoke in the spring steeped in memories and lost dreams, standing on the shore of an unnamed lake steeped in golden light. That path I have never left empties into the fields of infinite possibilities and choices and when I am present I see you both hand in hand.

  • Poem – Silent Music of Creation

    When the nearest stars are observed and the furthest ancient light is discovered we see what became the past far removed from the beginning. If we remove ourselves from physical bonds and trivial thoughts, what used to be feeling transforms into knowing that what is felt and tasted is no different than the first particle…

  • Poem – Revolution Rooted in Ancient Lands

    40 Days become 40 years and the revolution/transformation I began culminates from the mountain peak. Into the valley life flows as the new sun rises over the range. Caribou continue their thousand mile trek across vast swaths of land following their ancestors hoofs. I teeter on this ridge and see beyond the glacier fed waters…

  • Poem – What the Fields Hide

    Leaving behind the city we pass the line separating concrete and dirt path. Recent snow has hardened and crunches with each step. I pause and silence myself and hear ravens nearby. I pause and hold my breath and imagine what secrets are beneath the empty field.

  • Poem – Winter’s Song

    I lost my breath in the empty field. Lost in the blinding snow. Thrown over the mountain tops. In the silence I heard winter’s song. I ran across the iced field in near darkness my bare feet light and swift as I cast no shadow and left no trace. I ran across the iced field…

  • Dogs of Summer #3

    North to the St. Croix River we headed on a perfect grey and rainy summer morning. With just one puppy for this trip, Vinny and I quickly hiked 6.5 miles through prairie, forest, and along the river. For Vinny, the world is a buffet and she tasted all nature had to offer.

  • The Voice in the Forest

    I pass trees on either side, deeper into the forest and further form the fields, leaving one realm for another. I feel no fear of the unknown land I am nearing, and at this point there are no active thoughts of what I am leaving. I carry only the moment I am living and move…

  • Poem – Calm

    Time and age conspire with numbers setting expectations. You are only as old as you feel and that depends on the body’s voice. These things are mostly out of our control and in youth we ignore and push limits looking to find something beyond life looking over the edge at the mouth of death. As…

  • Poem – Apathy

    With an apathetic look in tired eyes he turned away from the edge, hundreds of feet above the turbulent waters, and walked toward the forest, across the empty road absent of any traffic since the morning, into the cultivated fields, curiously empty, and sat next to the stone marker and finally wept.