Tag: energy

  • Finding Calm and Peace

    Finding calm and peace in this world, a challenge, a frustrating challenge. But outside that door or window, nature. This can take many forms and does not have to be as extreme as mountains, deserts, or jungles. I believe what is essential for our well-being is to seek a balance between ourselves and the world…

  • Poem – Boundaries

    The boundary between the empty field and the old pine forest transports me from the confines of my mind into the ancient memories of childhood. Walking between the giants, they hold up the sky as I listen to each one and feel the warmth rising from the earth. They were here before me and they…

  • Poem – Shifted Wolves

    From the collection “Beyond the Border Kingdom“. (1) In dreams the white wolf stands beside the black wolf Emerging from unnamed star fields walking across a bridge of light against gravity against laws of physics. I felt no fear. I felt no fear. Distant galaxies produce and consume light. Skewed and shifted before arriving here…

  • Poem – Birth

    In the beginning we come into this space as innocent beings fumbling around the empty fields stretching forever. We stare in wonder and with amazement as to the endless possibilities and the control we have of our life. Then something changes and the field begins to fill with objects and obstacles and where there was…

  • Poem – Return

    In the end, when this life becomes the next, we become the raw materials returned to earth only to rise and become the flowers of tomorrow.

  • Poem – Flowers

    In the end, when this life becomes the next, we are left behind as one flower in the open fields becoming 10-thousand blooming and radiant beings.

  • Poem – What is a Life?

    What is a life but the experiences and memories, the fragments pieced together as the sentient being. What is a life but the place we fill within the world we see and the universe unseen. “We speak of nature, of the natural world, as if that were something distinct from ourselves and the social world…

  • Poem – At Every Turn

    At every turn. Life. The decisions we have made the decisions made without us. The people we have forgotten. Yet, here we are beneath another sun on another day with another chance. To move beyond our mistakes with the knowledge and experience we have gained. None of the challenges are greater than what we see…

  • Poem – Sense of All

    And in the evening light we chase the floating particles, each a piece of ourselves set free from the fire. In this moment we lose sense of “I” and become the “we” with the trees, the light, the darkness and the whole of the universe.

  • Poem – Beyond Control

    I move across the empty fields toward the tree line and pause. There are shadows and things unseen at work as the sky bends to will of the forest. There is an energy flow through everything and if I clear my mind I see ten thousand beings and the light they cast down the path.