Tag: evening

  • Poem – I Touched Heaven

    The other evening with autumn at hand we place wood upon the fire poplar engaged in a slow dance, a foreign beat the crackle and sizzle fade away. Your eyes take my eyes Your lips embrace my lips. I touched Heaven

  • Poem – Stars

    As evening settles in I wait for Leroy as she watches the tree line. I feel we are not alone beneath the clear sky, free of the sun. The black water flips the sky and transposes the sublime night-time patterns. I become transfixed on one particular yellowish dot and after looking away I no longer…

  • Poem – Spring

    Clear evening chill light lingers over treetops one last time dear Orion.

  • The Meeting

    (1) I followed the man in a red robe with deep purple beads and dreadlocks through the town square lined with meat, seafood, rugs, and incense vendors. Past the fountain until we stopped at the waters edge. I vow to become the swift moving stream atop the slow moving bedrock that is the world I…