Tag: fall

  • Poem – I Touched Heaven

    The other evening with autumn at hand we place wood upon the fire poplar engaged in a slow dance, a foreign beat the crackle and sizzle fade away. Your eyes take my eyes Your lips embrace my lips. I touched Heaven

  • Poem – Color and Sound

    The last orange highlights sink into the horizon. Thin grey clouds float across light blue sky. Red-winged blackbirds continue conversations. Across the fields and wetlands lawn-mowers cut through deep green grass. The calendar tells me it is June and with eyes closed I hear summer but this evening has settled for October.

  • Adventures with Leroy – Water and Canoe

    A beautiful cold day for a walk around the lake and into the woods.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Bare trees rattling against others.  Tall grasses, dried and delicate, crunch as we make our way to the frozen shoreline.  A surprise greeted us beyond the hill and next to the shoreline – a canoe…

  • Poem – Picnic

    From the collection I am writing about “Joline”. It was a beautiful fall morning with sun scattered by oak and aspen atop the hill overlooking the bustling city. We sat at the picnic table with coffee and each other’s hand. We talked of dreams and plans for life after today, but for now it was…

  • Trail Building and Fall

    Fall is the perfect time of year for building trails through the woods.  Most tree leaves have fallen, the intense underbrush of summer, including small trees, weeds, and tall grasses, have wilted.  The trail emerges and you can more easily find where you left off the previous fall.  Passing by birch, pine, oak, and maple…

  • Season’s Haiku – A 365 Day Journey

    Back in 2008, I started a project with the goal of writing one haiku, in the 5-7-5 format, each day for one year.  This went from 02/16/2008 to 02/14/2009 and resulted in a 62 page book of mostly nature themed haiku.  It was daunting challenge but kept me writing and thinking about writing when I…

  • Poem – Untitled

    Amidst the blue sky random numbers emerge from the horizon, enlarging and blocking out the sun before passing over. ~ Over the next hill where the road curves around the swift river the sky opens, stretching into the face of Matanuska glacier. ~ In the glory of each day I pause to smell the evening…

  • Poem – Fall, Minnesota

    The cold morning greets weary eyes with a faint glowing horizon the moon, and Orion’s stoic stance. A northern Minnesota sunrise across the corn fields. Each stalk blazing orange as the wind scatters fallen leaves, milkweed seeds, and yesterdays newspaper. Ravens are waiting atop the whispering pine trees. The frosty ground crunches as head into…

  • Fall 2013 Available as a Flip-book and for Purchase

    The Fall 2013 issue of Stone Path Review is available as a flip-book and for purchase. Stone Path Review: Stone Path Review Fall 2013 Artistic Journal with poetry, photography, featured artist interview, and short stories. We are artists publishing journals for other artists.

  • Fall 2013 Stone Path Review

    The 8th issue of Stone Path Review has been published. This marks the closure of our second year of publishing. What started out as a simple idea with no long-term plan has become an extension of our passion and appreciation of the arts. We look forward to the third year and beyond and will rollout…