Tag: moon

  • Poem – Winter Songs – Part 1

    Across the fjord atop the snow covered mountain a still figure draped in shadows sat for days beneath the cold moon and the even colder sun.

  • Poem – Broken

    I am broken and beneath the evening sun my pieces melt. In the moonlight I am made whole again.

  • Poem – Temporal

    Passing beneath and over bridges the road opens into the sleeping city. Distant streetlights reflect off glass windows while a train emerges from perfect darkness and motors south and east. Silence returns and the monotonous driving becomes temporal when the new moon reaches from beyond the earth appearing as an orb of legend.

  • Poem – Contemplation

    I watch the sun set behind the hills. I watch planes pass overhead nearly colliding with the moon. I watch the pond empty and then fill again. And again. With ducks. The dogs stand watch, stoic poses, passed through generations and breeding. I wonder what they are thinking.

  • Poem – When

    I cry slow tears when – the raven filled sky descends upon the earth. the sun settles between bare branches. the moon takes over watch. the stars paint the night sky.

  • Poem – What Follows?

    The sun rises and escapes across the winter sky. The moon replaces the sun and the sky clears as cold settles from the heavens into the empty fields. A strong wind emerges from the ancient forest, a boundary too late to cross as soon the coyotes will take hunt.

  • Poem – White Snow

    White snow absent of mind dusts, absent of tree shadows and raven wings. White snow becomes the moon filled river. White snow becomes the expanding horizon. White snow becomes what we bring, what we perceive. An empty canvas, the empty field becomes a blank page and the contents of our full minds, the charged emotions…

  • Poem – A Plea

    In the sea my reflection is carried away by smoke and mist. I stood there with what was left. Broken, motionless stripped of my armor, I pleaded to whatever gods lived here in the golden light and calm sea – What more must I give? I have given blood. I have given sanity. My mind…

  • Poem – Finding Home in the Chaos – Part 4

    These simple moments of nature’s gentle cycle coupled with the raw energy exhibited here and beyond humble this man juggling chaos looking for simplicity looking for answers to questions I have not asked.

  • Poem – Finding Home in the Chaos – Part 3

    Sometimes when I see the midnight moon over the superior waters I imagine, if I reach for enough from the shoreline I can catch the beams in my palm. The iced shoreline captures and holds the moon just long enough for me to taste the ancient light and remember my roots far beyond any physical…