Tag: red

  • Poem – A Moment in Time

    For a moment in time I saw the future as I quickly let go o the past. In the moment I saw the beginning. Of each moment I held on as long as possible. I did not know how much time I had left. I do not know where I am going from here.  

  • Video – Fall in Northern MN

  • Poem – Into the Sun

    I awoke that missing day disconnected and lost from what I thought I was and who I wanted to be so I searched around the room and climbed out the window and walked down the only road into the sun. Where the road ended and the forest began the trees moved to the silent wind…

  • Poem – Perseverance

    Storms rolled through last week. Weak and old trees toppled to the ground or fell into a neighbor or landed on the wire fencing with the orange flags. Near the pole barn smaller trees were uprooted but the metal roof still looks new, the green roof glistening when wet. What little birch are mixed with…

  • Poem – The Day Wisdom Came from the Clouds Above

    (1) Summer months fell into the autumn. Mist clung to pine before the sun rose. Brown needles falling from the sky slide down the barn’s green metal roof. We walk past fallen trees, piles of brush, two tree stumps to be removed, knee-high patches of weeds and wild flowers, a bat house, three thistle-filled socks,…

  • Road Home

    The road home, over the hill, into the sky.

  • Poem Snippets

    #1 I looked to the sunset. I saw your face in the orange tinged clouds and now I know what to do. #2 In the silence I watch the dog watching with wonder the dragonfly. Perched on the chair back translucent wings and red body conjure images of life before life when we were single-celled…

  • Poem – Welcome

    Tears fall upon the lotus growing near the red water. A robed figure walks the dirt path from the bay carrying a full bucket not one drop is spilled as they descend a hill leading to the monastery. ~ Trees give up their leaves to the earth, the earth gives the leaves to animals, what…

  • Poem – Color and Sound

    The last orange highlights sink into the horizon. Thin grey clouds float across light blue sky. Red-winged blackbirds continue conversations. Across the fields and wetlands lawn-mowers cut through deep green grass. The calendar tells me it is June and with eyes closed I hear summer but this evening has settled for October.

  • The Meeting

    (1) I followed the man in a red robe with deep purple beads and dreadlocks through the town square lined with meat, seafood, rugs, and incense vendors. Past the fountain until we stopped at the waters edge. I vow to become the swift moving stream atop the slow moving bedrock that is the world I…