Tag: strings

  • Poem – One Mind

    We inhabit this space for reasons we still chase through light and dark through heaven and hell through ancient texts and drawings. The human spirit longs for place, a concrete connection to surroundings, a palpable definition of home. How can we look out there when we do not how we got here? To measure today…

  • Poem – Beyond What We Think We See

    The lonely path tunneled through the daily routine and expectations. The tunnel was your gateway and hiding place, a retreat when life became too real, a distraction. Did ever see the colors of the sunset as they appeared over the black waters in the city? I imagine you looking at nothing in particular on the…

  • Poem – Strings

    Moments I feel disconnected from the activity surrounding and swallowing me. The words heavy, actions sharp, the light too much to see. I want to live peacefully and cast a wide net but the fields are overgrown, the boulders too large, the obstacles too many. Those we do not know beyond what we are fed…

  • Strings

    Thin threads of particles exert influence individually move planets collectively. I grasp the air and return with nothing. Theories and postulations abound to define and bring forth what is missing what is unknown, what we assume. I imagine them not stainless steel cylinders, smooth and reflective like calm water but tiny trees with spindly limbs…