Tag: trees

  • Poem – Who am I?

    With the lazy moon early in the morning I opened the door into the waiting darkness and startled my shadow hiding near the trees. I ran toward where I thought it was and dove trying to catch a piece a fragment of this image of who I thought I was.

  • Poem – Fragmented Days

    The more we hear the more we turn away from the voices carried from beyond the horizon on broken winds as each day chips away at the armor. Thoughts scatter through the empty field past the tree line and I stop at the border. What inhabits the forest I cannot see or hear? Days broken.…

  • Poem – Trees are the Answer

    I imagine each tree is one being connected through energy spanning short and long distances reaching out across divides and borders.

  • Poem – The Physical Manifestation of the Mind, Part 1

    The air I taste and breath surfaces sharp and distinct memories from a time I had forgotten. Across the empty fields losing to the shadows the land becomes the physical manifestation of my mind. I walk around and examine each thread, each connection some are familiar and soft some are foreign and sharp.

  • It’s a Snow Day

    A quick trip up north to get out of the house and play. I was also “gravelled” again by the small critters who like to hide seeds, corn, and other goodies in my boots.

  • Poem – Time

    I have been down that path beneath that same sky before but still, each time it is new, on a different day, with a different mindset, with intentions to make the most of the time given.

  • Poem – This Way Before

    I have been down this path before that empty silent road leading nowhere and everywhere, the cold wind, the bare trees, and the sky merging with the earth – where does it end and where does it go? I have been in that state of disconnect, beyond lost, detached from people, from reality, from myself,…

  • Poem – Change

    The winter sky holds distant promise beyond the muted sun above the bare trees. As the days recover from the depth of darkness so too will the trees recover from the shadows.

  • Poem – What Becomes

    (1) Long ago that path became an object in the mirror fading into the dust of the present experiences. I look back with nostalgia at moments I have built and pieced together from the scenes I have witnessed, the people met and the forgotten glorified sense of purpose. (2) What becomes of the road after…

  • Poem – What the Fields Hide

    Leaving behind the city we pass the line separating concrete and dirt path. Recent snow has hardened and crunches with each step. I pause and silence myself and hear ravens nearby. I pause and hold my breath and imagine what secrets are beneath the empty field.

  • Poem – Cleansed Through Smoke and Fire

    On the earth I walk with light steps and place fallen branches in the pit. To the sky I gaze through pine trees and watch smoke disperse to the heavens. To my future self I set the path, wash away the dirt, and cleanse the soul.

  • Poem – A Moment in Time

    For a moment in time I saw the future as I quickly let go o the past. In the moment I saw the beginning. Of each moment I held on as long as possible. I did not know how much time I had left. I do not know where I am going from here.  

  • Poem – The Mind Focusing

    If my mind were turned inside out, flipped, and away from the lantern in the middle of one field, I imagine when I gained some semblance of control it would manifest as the mind realized in another field coming into focus.

  • Poem – Late Summer

    With the charged air wavering between summer and autumn we walked beneath the canopies throwing scattered light on faces thankful for the sun thankful for the peace within the city. Thinking only about my feet and where they land next I closed my eyes and kept moving along the path I opened my eye and…

  • Poem – Into the Sun

    I awoke that missing day disconnected and lost from what I thought I was and who I wanted to be so I searched around the room and climbed out the window and walked down the only road into the sun. Where the road ended and the forest began the trees moved to the silent wind…