Tag: white

  • Poem – In the Distant Valley

    A wanderer of the frozen lands, I stopped at the edge. A silence wrapped in wind and ice scattered across the valley and we took shelter beneath overhanging rock. In the morning after the fire we hiked 7 days to the distant valley steeped in legends of living spirits and the black wolves guarding the…

  • Poem – Beyond Control

    I move across the empty fields toward the tree line and pause. There are shadows and things unseen at work as the sky bends to will of the forest. There is an energy flow through everything and if I clear my mind I see ten thousand beings and the light they cast down the path.

  • Beauty in the Gray

  • Poem – Guided By Wolves

    In the last dream of this life I watched the white wolf walk away. In the first dream of the next life I watched the black wolf emerge from still water. With my first step across the empty field I knew I was granted another life, more time complemented with the experiences and another chance…

  • Rising Phoenix

  • Poem – I am Out There

    (1) Frequent glimpses of moving shadows and white figures. (2) One last time I enter the cold darkness and find a mass near the bushes, but this object reflects nor consumes light and I immediately feel a connection and cry when I know this is my shadow. (3) A view across the expanse of empty…

  • Poem – The Physical Manifestation of the Mind, Part 3

    In a deep fog, a wakeful sleep, a field lit by ten-thousand lanterns reflects the chaotic sky passing through different sets of reality, a physical manifestation of the struggle, of the storm taking hold. In this clear moment, a disconnected view of what is true I let go of attachment and emotion and take hold…

  • Poem – The Physical Manifestation of the Mind, Part 2

    The threads fade into the background as the scene silences and I am left with basic and primal instincts, disconnected from the imagined physical world, pushing aside forced projections and loose words from false gods and prophets – my inner beast runs into the fields.

  • Poem – One Mind

    We inhabit this space for reasons we still chase through light and dark through heaven and hell through ancient texts and drawings. The human spirit longs for place, a concrete connection to surroundings, a palpable definition of home. How can we look out there when we do not how we got here? To measure today…

  • Our Shadows Long for Spring