Tag: forest

  • Poem – Concrete Supernova

    “Where are you from?” She turned, looking over her shoulder, and motioned toward the forest. The forest I was walking toward. I could not help staring at her eyes – a blue I have never seen – ethereal, from some ancient landscape, from a time lost and forgotten. The forest looked more alive as the…

  • Poem – Lady in the Forest

    For earth day… I awoke in the boreal forest white pine reaching skyward, a canopy of shadow a secret deep within the green walls, reflected hues off the morning dew, shimmers when the wind arrives I sought guidance from the lady the lady in the forest with streaking blood red locks a look of calm…

  • Poem – Fracture 56

    the winged sun whispers light the winged sun expels white dust. and the morning dew cold to our touch and the deer trail leads us deeper into the woods. subtle April needles green mingling with ancient blue from an artist’s palette. the ravens echo mocks other birds a ploy and trick to conceal its presence,…

  • Retreat Building Continues

    We have spent the last 4-weekends finishing a retreat and wildlife refuge up north.  This is a stepping stone toward our long-term plans to begin prairie restoration and maintain a healthy forest through sustainable practices. Work completed so far includes a trail system for access to the deep woods, selection of the prairie project location,…