Poem – Lady in the Forest

For earth day…

2012-09-22 15.20.28I awoke in the boreal forest
white pine reaching skyward, a canopy of shadow
a secret deep within the green walls, reflected hues off
the morning dew, shimmers when the wind arrives

I sought guidance from the lady
the lady in the forest
with streaking blood red locks
a look of calm across pursed lips

the lady in the forest does not sleep
does not cry, does not leave, she stands
tall atop cut face rock, meandering river of gold
flowing swiftly beneath her feet

the lady in the forest breathes
deeply, yet with silence
gentle are her words encircling
the fauna and flora inhabiting the superior forest

the lady in the forest sighs twice each day
in the morning when the first ray is cast
and in the evening when the
midnight sun assumes its place in the Heavens

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