Tag: forest

  • Dogs of Spring #2

    The day after clearing part of the forest, me and the big dog enjoyed a leisurely walk beneath the clear and sunny sky. The early evening when the sun is below the tree-line provides lively shadows and hidden light scattered throughout the space between each tall being.

  • Poem – Apathy

    With an apathetic look in tired eyes he turned away from the edge, hundreds of feet above the turbulent waters, and walked toward the forest, across the empty road absent of any traffic since the morning, into the cultivated fields, curiously empty, and sat next to the stone marker and finally wept.

  • Poem – Infinity

    Removed from the city even for an afternoon layers of stress and blocks fall away, replaced by what the wind brings, what the trees take, and what the animals are willing to share. How else to rebuild the soul than to witness firsthand the infinite cycle of nature, of earth, of home?

  • Poem – Perseverance

    Storms rolled through last week. Weak and old trees toppled to the ground or fell into a neighbor or landed on the wire fencing with the orange flags. Near the pole barn smaller trees were uprooted but the metal roof still looks new, the green roof glistening when wet. What little birch are mixed with…

  • Poem – What Sees in the Dark

    Pre-dawn. Sliver of gradient orange into purple. Cloud-less. The forest stands tall merging with the sky. Cold breath. We listen to distant owls, we watch for the coyotes.

  • Poem – Into the Sky…

    We gaze from the wet earth from the snow piles and appreciate the warm sun and the wind through pine masking distant city sounds.

  • Poem – Last Hold

    Winter’s hold is lessening as the winter sun sinks amid rising cold and wind, a last hold on the snowy fields and forest.

  • Poem – Transition

    The first day of March and we walk through the thin snow covered trails and off the path into the woods. The winter sky keeps no secrets but the wind teases of spring and the reemergence of life.  

  • Poem – Alone

    I heard the whisper before they did. And both heads turned toward the forest in silence or curiosity as the wind left us here alone.

  • Poem – What Follows?

    The sun rises and escapes across the winter sky. The moon replaces the sun and the sky clears as cold settles from the heavens into the empty fields. A strong wind emerges from the ancient forest, a boundary too late to cross as soon the coyotes will take hunt.