Tag: ice

  • Christmas Day, Lutsen

    Christmas Day brings thoughts of family, friends, beliefs and what helps us to get through each day. We headed north into the cold and snow to spend the time within nature, at the beckon call of deer and raven, and fell asleep each day to the methodical splashing of water on the frozen shoreline. Rising…

  • Alaska Glaciers

    Back in 2007, I was fortunate to find myself kayaking in Prince William Sound, hiking in the Talkeetna Mountains, and climbing a glacier just north of Anchorage, AK.  This was my first true taste of Alaska and of glacier climbing.  I was scared to my wits end.  But after watching a few others and talking…

  • Mountains and Ice

    I have often eluded to a deep fascination, almost obsession, with mountains and ice on here.  I have had very tasty bites and morsels of these portions of nature, that have left me in its grasp.  I have made the mindful commitment to venture out and tackle a mountain or two, starting with Mt. Rainier…

  • Poem – Oxygen

    I watch you from the second floor I greet you this morning with voice thrown into the winter wind and back inside. you kept walking into snow and ice into fog and gone. I wait for you from the second floor hours have passed before your return. How was your day? Wet… Last night I…