Tag: nature

  • Poem – Downward Eyes

    From the highest peaks and the lowest depths. From the valleys and the oceans. We cast downward eyes as her voice is heard. When our heads rise we see her presence we hear her voice we know what we should do.

  • Poem, for Earth Day

    My breath from the trees. My liquid from the oceans. My feet upon the earth. Each day, each second should be in your honor. Each task, each decision should be in your image. Through you we can attain peace.

  • Poem – Infinity

    Removed from the city even for an afternoon layers of stress and blocks fall away, replaced by what the wind brings, what the trees take, and what the animals are willing to share. How else to rebuild the soul than to witness firsthand the infinite cycle of nature, of earth, of home?

  • Poem – Where Chaos is Held at Bay

    Moments the chaos is held at bay when the pine filled sky sways and the ravens visit and the earth releases pungency. Each weeks struggle to fit in to complete what is expected to fulfil obligations takes its toll on the mind, the body, further distancing my connection to the forest and each animal, a…

  • Current Reading List

    I read a lot of outdoor books, most notably by Jon Krakauer and Ed Viesturs.  Expeditions to the mountains, the success and the failures, have always fascinated me and kept certain dreams alive, and provided material for writing.  What I find lacking to a degree, is the more personal inner struggle, and the spiritual awakening…

  • If Jackson Pollock was a photographer, #5

    I imagine one of his photos would look like this:

  • snow blow.

    snow blow.

  • New Endeavor – Bioconx

    Since putting Stone Path Review on hold for 2015, I have been concentrating on my technology career and deeper studies around people, processes, and delivering value and efficiency.  In addition to my work at PROSAR, I have another company called Bioconx Resources, LLC.  It’s mission is to balance the connection and relatedness of people, technology,…

  • Poem – Boundaries and Borders That We Find That We Cross

    Standing at the shoreline I awake when the sun peaks over the horizon and the waves crawl across frozen rock and cover my feet. I do not know how long I have been here at this border between the land and the sea. I have vague recollections of why I am here. You see, years…

  • Poem – An Eye Turned Inward

    It is frighteningly easy to give up hope and lose a sense of place and purpose when the earth is scorched and the people are lost. Miles and oceans separate lives, cultures, borders, and tragedies. Arbitrary definitions aim to keep lines drawn and natural tendencies in check, but this only suppresses the internal instincts, the…

  • Quotes – From Inside the Grass Hut

    Reading “Inside the Grass Hut” by Ben Connelly, an analysis of Shitou’s “Song of the Grass-Roof Hermitage”.  When we look out a window or sit in a small space, it includes you and the entire world, the entire universe.  What you do in that moment impacts you, the space, and the world, and you yourself…

  • Poem – Finding Home in the Chaos – Part 4

    These simple moments of nature’s gentle cycle coupled with the raw energy exhibited here and beyond humble this man juggling chaos looking for simplicity looking for answers to questions I have not asked.

  • Poem – Finding Home in the Chaos – Part 3

    Sometimes when I see the midnight moon over the superior waters I imagine, if I reach for enough from the shoreline I can catch the beams in my palm. The iced shoreline captures and holds the moon just long enough for me to taste the ancient light and remember my roots far beyond any physical…

  • Poem – Finding Home in the Chaos – Part 2

    We hike for hours, having left the flat fields, the trail twists and turns toward a peak overlooking a wide valley filled with trees past their peak. The valley empties into a lake filling horizon with what is discarded, what is no longer useful here, to be dispersed out to sea into the cosmos. Darkness…

  • Poem – Finding Home in the Chaos – Part 1

    Winter rain slowly melts the little snow recently fallen. Sidewalks and streets are wet the trails are becoming mud. The puppies stare out the sliding glass door across the greening yard, at the pond turning from ice to water.