Tag: universe

  • Poem – I see the Lantern Everywhere

    I see the lantern everywhere and in my sleep as recurring dreams have brought with them a place in the empty field filled with light and hope. In my weakened state I cling to this vision as the hours and days pass and there is seemingly no end in sight. I cling to a vision…

  • Poem – What is This Made Of?

    I look at these hands and the sifting dirt and for a moment I no longer feel or see them but through them. My arms and legs disappear and the old pine come into view. The autumn sun shadows shrink and vanish. What I see and am becomes what I sow and require.

  • Poem – This Way Before

    I have been down this path before that empty silent road leading nowhere and everywhere, the cold wind, the bare trees, and the sky merging with the earth – where does it end and where does it go? I have been in that state of disconnect, beyond lost, detached from people, from reality, from myself,…

  • Poem – Uncertain

    “I have been here before.” A distant memory surfaces detached from the here and now I fail to place when and where. Uncertain I have become of my place in the physical world bound by rules and limitations choking and smothering the spirit. That sunrise knows no bounds stretching beyond what I can see and…

  • Poem – The Eye

    Across vast distances of land and sea the road is lonely, the conversation sparse. In the furthest stretches of the soul we feel alone and cast eyes to the emptiness up ahead in the future and look back to the past wondering how we ended up here but we are greater than what we see…

  • Victoria Woollaston @ in5d.com – Quantum Physics – Death Is An Illusion

  • First Light: The Dark Age of the Universe

    The following video talks about the birth of the universe and the dark ages. http://blip.tv/deep-astronomy/first-light-the-dark-age-of-the-universe-6387036  

  • Poem – Dreams

    That moment waking, the slow realization that what you see is beyond the physical space is beyond what you can touch. The images raw and not bound, they flow freely from where the energy gathered as you was first born.

  • Poem – An Eye Turned Inward

    It is frighteningly easy to give up hope and lose a sense of place and purpose when the earth is scorched and the people are lost. Miles and oceans separate lives, cultures, borders, and tragedies. Arbitrary definitions aim to keep lines drawn and natural tendencies in check, but this only suppresses the internal instincts, the…

  • Poem – Mirror 2

    Some mornings the face turns and questions. I have no answers except confusion and distance. Is this where I wanted to be? Which version of me made this decision? If now is the culmination of three – past, present, and future… and I see this confluence in the mirror what does the reflection see? Are…

  • Poem – Through Silence

    Through silence I find the universe’s voice and when balanced it is a reflection of myself. Midnight sky. White dots. So many they blend into a haze across what astronomers measure in parsecs – whatever the official distance or definition I know this – I stand in awe at the heavens, the light, and energy…

  • Perspective

    As the wind blows across sand, rocks, and driftwood I marvel at the change within me that I am aware of. Time has not softened the being, but strengthened through experiences and exposure to a world so scary as a child. Reaching out beyond the close-knit sphere I sought to understand the blood and tears…

  • Poem – To the Outside

    Poem – To the Outside

    To the outside we are primitive specks of dust lost on some distant chunk of molten rock destined for an uncertain future defined by the egoistical driven actions we take for ourselves with little regard to the sphere of influence we exert on those around us. We are primitive in our methods and usage of…

  • Poem – Memories

    On the cusp between two worlds the fine edge we walk through each day. One world filled with the memories we choose to keep. The other filled with what we have left behind. In the current understanding time is a persistent reference a way to communicate and exist within this space. But memories operate independently…

  • Poem – Far Reaches

    At the end of this journey I stood before the bursting stars and bathed in the energy and light. I cupped matter in my hands and I drank the elements. Time did not exist and I knew nothing of time. There was no separation. There was no boundary. I became one with myself. I returned…