Software Developer Comics
Just found the excellent and all to close to home comic “Don’t Hit Save” –
iOS and Apple Development Resource
While digging into Swift for iOS and OSX development, I came across the website while searching for...
Developer Comics
Just found the excellent and all to close to home comic “Don’t Hit Save” –
Poem – Fragmented Days
The more we hear the more we turn away from the voices carried from beyond the horizon on...
Poem – A Found Memory
The photographs we find in dusty hidden boxes in places we have forgotten have stories etched in the...
Poem – Road
I have been down that road and at the end I was back here, where I started, where...
Poem – In the Aftermath
In the aftermath we become introspective and concerned with immediacy, the ones most near, and once settled, we...
If Jackson Pollock was a photographer, #7
I imagine one his photographs might look like this:
Poem – Chasing Stars
Waiting patiently for the last evening light to disappear beyond the horizon. Scanning the heavens for pinpoints of...
Poem – Time’s Gift
As with everything time marches in one direction that we perceive but in quiet moments we reflect back...
Poem – What Remains
What remains shrouded in smoke behind the veil we created? What is left when the empty field clears...
Arts – Slant Art and Culture Magazine
Photographer Aaron Bowen (Facebook), a frequent contributor to Stone Path Review, has published the first issue of “Slant”. “Slant,...
Services Detail
Updated services detail has been added to Willow River Dynamics Windows and Linux administration and scripts.
Poem – The Physical Manifestation of the Mind, Part 3
In a deep fog, a wakeful sleep, a field lit by ten-thousand lanterns reflects the chaotic sky passing...
Outdoor Gear – Spring Cleaning 2016
I have the following pieces of backpacking and camping equipment that are no longer needed and taking up...