Category: Arts

  • Poem – Layers

    Why do I spend each weekend breaking sweet and back? What does each peeled layer represent? What am I looking for? Across the water lapping at my feet the land rises to the sky and the cliffs. I dream in color, I dream in green I smell warm pine and feel my skin burn as…

  • Poem – Intersections

    At the intersection I woke to a wall cloud filled not with rain but fragments of some life I did not recognize… they elicited no emotion, only confusion, a detached sense of being… I watched the images for hours – people, faces, death, and birth. ~ I watched children play in the cold water of…

  • If Jackson Pollock was a photographer, #2

    I imagine one of his photos would look like this:

  • New Music

    Some of the music that has wandered into my collection the past month.  Reviews of the most recent Celldweller release, End of an Empire, will follow. Bass for Autism – Volume 1 and 2 Celldweller – End of an Empire: Chapter 1 Celldweller – Space Time Deluxe Celldweller – Wish Upon a Black Star Celldweller…

  • Poem – To the Outside

    Poem – To the Outside

    To the outside we are primitive specks of dust lost on some distant chunk of molten rock destined for an uncertain future defined by the egoistical driven actions we take for ourselves with little regard to the sphere of influence we exert on those around us. We are primitive in our methods and usage of…

  • Still Here

    It’s been over a week and my blog has been silent.  I have been writing some poems, working on a screenplay, and preparing the introduction for the fall issue of Stone Path Review.  For the blog here, I’m going to start posting essays about nature, ecology, and matters more important to me. I have also…

  • Poem – 13 Years – 9/11

    13 Years (1) An arctic sunrise opens this day – cold, calm, and reflective. The sky burns today but not the way it did 13 years ago. Scattered across the deep blue colors from every palette converge and blend, overlapping, without boundaries, without hate. (2) At the edge splitting humanity we gather and watch 2977…

  • Poem – Memories

    On the cusp between two worlds the fine edge we walk through each day. One world filled with the memories we choose to keep. The other filled with what we have left behind. In the current understanding time is a persistent reference a way to communicate and exist within this space. But memories operate independently…

  • Poem – Where I Stood

    (1) Where I stood on that last day I saw you walking across the bridge. I believe you did not see me but you must have sensed my presence. When I could no longer see you I lit a cigarette and sat on a graffitied boulder near the river’s edge. (2) Let me go back…

  • Poem – Fragments of the person

    (1) Washed with silent words spoken by creatures of the day and night I let go and slept in their midst while the sky turned and the sun left this space beyond the trees. (2) In the depths of dreams I saw the clouds move slowly across the empty fields and at the beginning or…

  • Poem – Far Reaches

    At the end of this journey I stood before the bursting stars and bathed in the energy and light. I cupped matter in my hands and I drank the elements. Time did not exist and I knew nothing of time. There was no separation. There was no boundary. I became one with myself. I returned…

  • Poem – Storms

    The godless faces of clouds move storms forward with voiceless commands. Building from the horizon they float in the boundless sky, scattering light and color until the sun sets and free of its binding energy they swallow what is left and overtake trees and shadows.

  • Poem – Fragments from Absentia 19

    (1) In this dream I watched your silhouette dress. Sounds of the streets below carried by the autumn wind. We had a place to be but I do not remember where. I caught a glance of your eyes in the mirror and the soft blue with a hint of smile told me this was not…

  • Poem – How Many

    Each day rolls into the next nothing has changed except the distance between the smile and the struggle within the person becoming more of a shell… How many more days can I keep this going? Inside I am me, but fear it has to be repressed, kept quiet and hidden, exposed through what others want…

  • Poem Snippets

    #1 I looked to the sunset. I saw your face in the orange tinged clouds and now I know what to do. #2 In the silence I watch the dog watching with wonder the dragonfly. Perched on the chair back translucent wings and red body conjure images of life before life when we were single-celled…