Poem – Intersections

At the intersection I
woke to a wall cloud
filled not with rain
but fragments of some
life I did not recognize…

they elicited no emotion, only
confusion, a detached
sense of being…

I watched the images for hours –
people, faces, death, and birth.


I watched children play in the cold water
of a fountain in the center of a city.

I watched a brother and sister climb
a tree.

At the peak a raven held tight
overlooking the park and cawed.


The images slowed, they became a movie
of one person in particular, one face.

She smiled while looking over her shoulder
as if she was holding someone’s hand,
she was leading somewhere, determined,
always smiling, almost pulling the person.

There was no sound here, just two people,
focused on her face, the background fuzzy

yet with depth through shades of black and white.

Then she stopped.

The scene went black and returned triggering
an instant pang of regret and remembrance…


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