Poem – Fragments from Absentia 19


In this dream I watched
your silhouette dress.

Sounds of the streets below
carried by the autumn wind.

We had a place to be
but I do not remember where.

I caught a glance of your eyes
in the mirror and the soft blue

with a hint of smile told
me this was not real.


I wandered the streets
of mirrors for days
and weeks searching for the
one last person I knew.


I stood at the corner
beneath buildings of
concrete and glass.

Rain fell everywhere but
upon me and I walked

dry and untouched down
empty streets and empty lives.


I stood at the corner
and waited for the last bus.

Its doors opened but no one exited.
I boarded and there was no driver.

The inside was dark and wet.
I stumbled around trying to

find anything and after
hours of a fruitless search

I sat down and fell asleep
while the bus left the station.

Downtown Streets, by Twisted Root Studios – http://www.twistedrootstudios.com

Downtown Streets
Downtown Streets, by Twisted Root Studios – http://www.twistedrootstudios.com

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