Reading and writing

To help with my writing funk, I’ve been reading a lot more than usual.  And that advice is always given to writers: read more.  Read different genres or subjects than what you are writing about.  This helps to expand your mental awareness and give a larger pool of ideas and images to the mind and imagination.

AK-20070727-20070805 032I finished the first book about Zen Master Ryokan “Sky Above, Great Wind”.  This has provided two straight weeks of new writing each evening.  The most productive I have been in some time.  I feel there is much more I can learn from him and have started another book titled: “Great Fool: Poems, Letters, and Other Writings”.

AK-20070727-20070805 114While reading about his life, his writing, source of inspiration, and how he chose to live, I feel a connection of sorts, and a desire to continue on a path of simplicity and immersion in nature.  What else can we do but embrace what is around us, and care for each tree, each blade of grass, and each dew-drop.

The moon rises near Orion and the recent snow glistens as I listen to nothing but the footsteps of a rabbit and the quiet breath of Leroy as she watches over the land near a fallen leaf, a gentle reminder of change and the resilience of what we live and breathe within.

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