Poetry Month – Poem by Wendy Brown-Baez

For National Poetry Month, I will be selecting poems I enjoy by other writers and artists and will post them here and on Stone Path Review.

At the Western Wall, by Wendy Brown-Baez
From transparencies of light, 2011, Finishing Line Press

I saw here at the Wall
flattened against the stones by prayer
and I thought:
Where is her God
now that our tears
have tuned to blood?

She brushed the wind
out of her hair, and wiped
her eyes on the tiny slip of paper
folded and refolded
as if to protect
the fragile message inside,
as if the crushing weight of war
had not already torn it into shreds.

Can God read
invisible ink?
and I thought of how our
hearts were like that paper
folded within themselves
destined to the least crack in the stones.


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