A well-writen article discussing Christianity and Buddhism. A question at the core of my belief is why is there so much bickering and hate in the world, and the view that “my way is better than your way”? Why are views so rigid and thrown in the face of others? Why is it so difficult to see that all of these views and spiritual paths are very similar in the end, with slightly different teachings and guideposts to get there? We may never know for certain, and even if there was some proof there will always be naysayers and conspiracists, but all of these beliefs are likely to me the same being, the same source of energy that give birth to everything.
Religion and spirituality should be what works for you, with a strong moral code, and an awareness of how we affect other humans, animals, and the earth – our sphere of influence.
While I personally am moving toward a Zen Buddhism way of thinking and living, I will never be 100% immersed in that. I do not want to limit my view of the world, and do not want to be closed to others beliefs.
What can it not be simple?