Stone Path Review Update

The following newsletter was sent out today regarding Stone Path Review, our artistic journal and our publishing company, Enso Press, LLC.

As we close out 2014 having completed our 3rd year with 12 issues, we have been looking back and of course looking forward. After hard and honest thinking about Stone Path Review specifically and in general the Enso Press, LLC business, we have decided to not publish the quarterly journal in 2015. The time and dedication it requires and deserves to craft a quarterly journal is becoming a bit much, and we would like to step back and refocus our creativity.

The Stone Path Review website will remain and be active as new artwork will be posted there from time to time. We will still conduct interviews that are important and timely, but the quarterly journal will be on-hold.

For Enso Press, LLC, the other projects will keep moving forward as more time will be dedicated to them. This includes film production (Around Here) and collections of poetry (Beyond the Border Kingdom, Students Guide to Zen) among other things we have under wraps.

Additionally the better half of Stone Path Review, Patricia, will be concentrating on her studio and photography. News and exciting updates will be posted to

To the artists who have trusted your work with us, we cannot thank you enough. You are why we started Stone Path Review in the first place, and have made the past 3-years a memorable journey and an experience we will take with to our next projects.

We have quite a few open submissions and I will be gracefully rejecting them with a summary of the above and our gratitude.

Future updates and communications will also come through this newsletter as well as the Stone Path Review website and our Facebook page. All links are included below.

Stone Path Review:
Enso Press:
Latest Issue:

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