Poem – Fields (continued as the lantern disappears)

Fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Shining brilliantly through
grey fog hugging the soaked ground

the light I cannot see is there
in my mind, there in my eyes.

Fading snow cover reveals the field
I have been searching for

the field anchored by one lantern
surrounded by ten-thousand trees.

“Pick up the lantern and in the light
turn yourself around, inside out.

The true brilliance of the light
shows who you are, who you can be.”

Those words fill my mind as I walk
around the lantern from a distance.


Sporadic snowflakes fall as I make slow
passes in circles, ellipticals

as I pass closer and further
a game played out for years.

I do not know what I fear
I do not know what I fear.

The sky opens and the snow thickens
as the lantern glows brighter

a halo becomes the only beacon
in the darkened sky.


In order to see the lantern more clearly
I have to cut off the mind dust
collecting interfering thoughts and with
nothing, see everything.

Easy to say and nod in understanding
yet the mind fights fluctuations in the path,
chooses to resist and sends more fear
from the depths, from the past.


The moon mimics the lantern’s light
and for moments I lose the cardinal directions
blindly following false lights and
paths that lead nowhere.

Over the next hill the light
disappears into the shrinking forest.


I am clouded by doubt
as I continue to search.

What have we brought down
upon the earth.

The air is thick and heavy.
The empty sky is gone.

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