Moments I feel disconnected from the activity surrounding and swallowing me.
The words heavy, actions sharp, the light too much to see.
I want to live peacefully and cast a wide net but the fields are overgrown,
the boulders too large, the obstacles too many.
Those we do not know beyond what we are fed are angry,
the hatred emerging from thousands of years ago.
Who really is the enemy, who really is the friend?
What role do I play, what picture will I paint?
The more I question, the more I look, I see
strings scattered across the desert floor.
Various colors and widths, each I touch and lift
is buried in the ground.
Each I touch vibrates and images unfamiliar
emotions that are foreign overtake my mind and body.
I lay on the ground and immediately the strings work
to overtake what I am giving to them, and I now choose
to receive the gift of becoming one with nature, one
with everything spanning time, distance, and borders.