I walked in the empty fieldsand fell before the giants. Holding up the winter skytheir gaze met with...

Winter Grass and Wind
The winter grass and wind sings her song. Ravens join the chorus. Returning to roots and origin. Lulled...

Finding a Way
Winter smoke.Silent forest.Nearing nightfall. Chaos present.Walls increasing.Too much. Trapped here.Concrete, glass.Nightfall settling. Clearing mind.Opening mind.Letting go. Eyes closed.Energy...

Poem – Connections
Wandering the fields,a dusting of snow coats mature pine trees and grasses. They run free and wild as...

Poem – Into the Storm
Following the untouched path filling with snow,the sky and fields begin to merge. The surrounding forest becomes muted...

Autumn Thoughts
Speeding through November with December around the corner, a pause is warranted in the daily flow to reflect,...

Slow down, stop, look to the sky. With eyes closed, take in nature, exhale burdens, worries, and angst....

Poem – Saman
The black silent outline moves closer as time passes, time not from here. The empty sky vibrates as...

Poem – At the End of the Day
Cast from expectations of treeless horizons and concrete enforced cities, we landed here within the forest which quickly...

Poem – Connections
Regardless of what the trail is made of, it connects us to the earth, guides us through the...
Poem – Simple
A quiet evening as the dust settles and chaos is held at bay, watching the sunset with nature’s...
Poem – Flight
Against an evening sunset and blue backdrop a pair of ravens circle, descend, and ascend a last time...
Poem – Morning Sky and Birds
Early morning walk to the empty fields and the blue sky filled with birds. Wind through the trees...
Finding Calm and Peace
Finding calm and peace in this world, a challenge, a frustrating challenge. But outside that door or window,...