Tag: ai

  • Article – The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI

    Article from MIT Technology review.  It seems we will need to develop AI to control and understand AI. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/604087/the-dark-secret-at-the-heart-of-ai/ Intelligent Machines The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI No one really knows how the most advanced algorithms do what they do. That could be a problem. by Will Knight April 11, 2017

  • Poem – In This Life

    I see the day slip into the night and the trees I am surrounded by reach into the darkness. In another life after I am the same essence in a metallic shell. In another life before I am the farmer clearing fields for wheat and corn. In this life now I am the culmination of…

  • Poem – To the Outside

    Poem – To the Outside

    To the outside we are primitive specks of dust lost on some distant chunk of molten rock destined for an uncertain future defined by the egoistical driven actions we take for ourselves with little regard to the sphere of influence we exert on those around us. We are primitive in our methods and usage of…

  • Article and Video – Artificial Intelligence

    I read the following article and watched this video of next generation robots and the advancements in their movements and how they respond to the environment. Fascinating and conjures up images from the Terminator movies. In another life or if I started this one over again, I would have studied and majored in AI and…