Tag: august

  • Poem – At the End of the Day

    Poem – At the End of the Day

    Cast from expectations of treeless horizons and concrete enforced cities, we landed here within the forest which quickly enveloped us. Towering pines scatter the August afternoon and we run through fallen needles and shadows. At the end of the day we rest in the native grases and watch butterfly wings open and close.

  • Poem – I Touched the Moon

    The other evening under an August sky a faint Orion stood tall next to the moon. I wrapped my arms around the softness felt ancient love, a timeless longing. I touched the moon

  • End of August, 2012

    The last day of August, with another full moon, brings us closer to fall and the myriad of colors that Minnesota allows us to enjoy.  It feels like this year is slipping away, but the remaining months could bring much change, and there will be a shift, as more and more people wake up from…