Tag: free

  • Comfort Taken from What is Given

    Comfort Taken from What is Given

    I imagine this scene, a snapshot of any ordinary point in time, perhaps not meaningful to anyone else, is everything I need. Wandering the path in no hurry, with no end goal, I listen. For years I have walked this land, but there was always a burden being carried. Aware of this, my attention to…

  • Poem – Home

    In the first minutes of light time stops and I cease to exist as a physical presence and become a flicker in the air. Without name or boundaries I now exist free and at home.

  • Poem – The Day Wisdom Came from the Clouds Above

    (1) Summer months fell into the autumn. Mist clung to pine before the sun rose. Brown needles falling from the sky slide down the barn’s green metal roof. We walk past fallen trees, piles of brush, two tree stumps to be removed, knee-high patches of weeds and wild flowers, a bat house, three thistle-filled socks,…

  • On “Dualism”

    I am reading the “Cultivating the Empty Field” for the second time, and also Dogen’s “Moon in a Dewdrop”. From this perspective I have been working to understand Dualism and Nondualism. In a nutshell, here are my thoughts, and I want to see if I am even close to understanding the basic concepts. In Nondualism: 1.…