
As the year is coming to a close, the heavy thoughts build on top of each other and the reflection back on the experiences and decisions, begs for a break, begs to step away from this for awhile. Too much…. too much information, too much angst and pain. How to shield the eyes, cover with a blindfold, turn and run, run fast, in any direction, looking for an escape.

The northern water and landscape is calling me with a low murmur, the static of water crashing, and the morning sunset over the frozen shoreline. So calm and peaceful the morning light becomes.

A desire for simplicity, a return to our roots and the instincts we subdue in order to survive in the world we ourselves have had a part in creating, even with intentions otherwise, the collective had other ideas.

A return to the basics of nature and survival, the daily tasks that have a purpose, and each purpose feeds another purpose, and the day is defined by what we are willing to give and willing to sacrifice.

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