Alaska – Arriving in Haines

With an Alaskan White Ale at my side, I leave here, Saint Paul, MN, and land back in time: 2010 in Haines, AK.

Emerging from the 4 passenger plane from Juneau, a fine mist washes across my face and raven calls permeate the surrounding air. A minute or two passes before I finally accept that this is not a dream, a reoccurrence of many hours imagining this moment. I am finally here!

Trying to find words for how the air smells and “feels” – especially when breathed in so deeply, it hurts, but in a cleansing way, like stretching tired, worn, and sore muscles. Clean comes to mind.

Upon breathing, nothing gets in the way or impedes the air from going into waiting lungs, to be dispersed to needy cells and appendages. With each deep breath, things are pushed from the mind and fall away, discarded with no thought or regret. I feel protected immediately, and soon, like I belong here, like this land was waiting for my return.

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