Time and music are inseparable, as each measures and lives within the other.  Imagine the sublime music originating from the universe, and the raw frequencies emerging from the big bang.

Imagine being aware of this sound and its vibrations.

Imagine the chaos of each day intercepting and blocking the energy around us, preventing, and sometimes severing our connection with the universe and each other.

The chaos builds each day, and the more time spent in the city of industry, the further I am pushed away and the link weakens.  Distractions, voices, freeway background noise, obligations, deadlines – all of this wears at my armor and the weaker it gets, the more vulnerable I become.  Sleep becomes scarce.  My awareness wavers, in and out of this space, sometimes leaving me raw and naked.

How to escape?  How to deconstruct this landscape, clear the field, and build another?

I turn to music.  Music blocks what is happening, and with eyes closed, I can more easily leave here.  Music is calming, and can enhance, and alter the current mood.  Music is timeless and knows no boundaries.  Music clams the thoughts and puts back in order the chaos in the mind.

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