I am honored to share a recommendation and link to a new publication from Mike Finley and Danny Klecko called “LIEF Magazine“.  They also have a group on Facebook dedicated to this new and exciting publication.  Please download and/or read the magazine.  All comments and suggestions are welcome – please post them here or on the group’s Facebook page.

From the group and magazine’s description:

“Lief Magazine is an idea Mike Finley has come up with in order to have some fun. Lief Magazine will be an irregular, net-based magazine with fun stuff in it, the kind of thing you want to swat with one hand and say, How do you like that?

It will be like a secret publication, a club for Mike’s friends and maybe their friends to belong to and enjoy. It should be a magazine that is a little goofy, philosophical, funny, and trippy. Not a burden to the reader but a happy blessing. I don’t want it to be a “literary magazine” — more of a fun project that will probably last 2-3 issues and fade into even greater oblivion.

Invitees are asked to submit entries — poem-like things, funny or mind-boggling prose, drawings, photos, Photoshopped stuff, videos — whatever you really enjoy and want to share. The sole criterion will be, does Mike like it, and does Mike like you. Friendship and admiration are what connect us, an that should be clear on every page. “Damn, these folks are enjoying themselves.”

Mike’s definition of something good is that it causes change. The maker of the thing changes in the making, and so does the enjoyer of the thing. Any work that does not achieve this transmogrification will be cast into the flames, with no change of appeal.

We know … rejection under these terms will be extremely painful. I also know that you will rise to the challenge!”

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