Out of touch a bit

Since getting back from Alaska, I have been out of touch with this blog, friends blogs, and generally anything outside of a close sphere of personal projects and work.  And writing anything has been a challenge.  It seems my mind has become a blank slate, and the pieces I was working on, are drifting elsewhere.

One thing we have been working on quite a bit is Stone Path Review.  From a business perspective, it is published by our non-profit, 418 Publishing, Inc.  We are constantly looking for new artists, established artists, other literary and artistic journals to collaborate with.  And now, we are in the process of publishing our first book, a chapbook of poetry.  This fits in perfectly with our vision and dedication to the arts, and the artistic community.

Another side project that has consumed much time the past month is a wildlife retreat that we are building, and coming along nicely.  The physical aspects should be complete within a month, and then we can start trail building and prairie grass restoration.  The more time I spend at the retreat, the more I write, so I am eagerly awaiting more quality time with nature.  I feel like I have gotten a bit lost lately, perhaps disconnected.

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