Since it finally snowed in Minnesota, I have pulled the following poem from the archives. It was written 24-years ago and had a lot of dust on its words.
Winters Pleasures: Childhood Memories (1988)
Winter arrives like a lamb, laying down its marks with a white blanket of cotton. The trees look like skeletons with white clothing. The sound of children laughing and the sight of children sledding fill the cool crisp air.
The smell of hot chocolate fills your senses as you walk into the house to warm up. The best part of those cold winter afternoons is when you go to sit in front of the fireplace. You sit down to read some comic books of your favorite heroes, and those peanut butter crackers are there for you to eat. There is also one other thing: your best friend. He’s that little red dog that follows you from place to place always at your side.
Winter is the season that all little kids wish would last the longest. You always hope the God will give you 3 feet of snowfall upon the ground. Then maybe, just maybe the schools will close. Then you can stay home with your best friend and start all over again.
You can go outside and build forts to hide in, and also make that perfect ice ball. As you are hiding behind the fort, you are waiting for the perfect victim to walk by and pelt them in the head. There’s one problem with this little scheme: they fight back. You go down like a cannon ball. The shot went right to your face. Your eyes feel heavy from the tears and the pain. You feel all alone. But wait, you hear little footsteps coming from behind you…
Yes, there he is, the little red wizard has come to take the pain away. He feels your pain also. He first licks your nose and then all over your face. That cold nose of his is welcomed at a time like this. He baby-sits at your side until he thinks you are all right.
Don’t let the childhood memories fade away, they may be all that you have left.