Guest Writer – Alan S. Kleiman

Senzing Zen and Stone Path Review presents poetry by guest writer Alan Kleiman –  His poetry has appeared in Verse Wisconsin, The Criterion, Camel Saloon, Fringe, The Montucky Review, Pyrta, and other journals. His chapbook, Grand Slam, is forthcoming from Crisis Chronicles Press. He lives in New York City and works as an attorney.

Tomorrow night I will see
what I am to become
A teetotaler in the forest
Surrounded by giant redwoods
And thick underbrush

The rabbits bump their heads trying to hop
There are blueberry bushes
amongst these thickets
And small birds fend for the fruit
I filled a basket with bleuets
And spread them on my teeth
Though I looked ghastly
I smiled broadly
Doing mischief in the woods
In my heart.

Yesterday I knew no one
Today my name is clear
But I don’t speak
All stays within
To rearrange voices
And make way for the new order

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