Early Summer Morning

As a thunderstorm approaches from the west, I listen to various bird calls such as the robin and oriole. As more lightning flashes across rooftops, and the thunder becomes more immediate, their calls quiet. Soon, the soundscape is replaced by heavy raindrops blanketing streets, patios, and window screens with water. Further plunged into the storm, we relish the sweet moisture and this gift from nature.

Summer is finally here in MN and with that are thunderstorms. Thankfully, nothing severe, for now, but a gullywasher as older meteorologists used to say on the TV.

I’ve been organizing my summer reading list and hope some of this makes a dent in the writing funk I have been getting too comfortable and cozy with.

I recently started reading “The Wolf’s Tooth: Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascade, and Biodiversity” by Cristina Eisenberg. As I get further into this interesting read, I will post more thoughts here.

Other books:

1. Mount Rainier: A Climbing Guide
2. The Boardman Tasker Omnibus
3. Cultivating the Empty Fields
4. Airmail: The Letters of Robert Bly and Tomas Transtromer

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