
A while ago I changed the name of this blog to “Senzing Zen”.  I thought it had a cool ring to it, and tried to bring some focus to my goals and purpose here.  After some thought and soul searching, I feel the name is inflated and a bit egotistical.  My journey of discovery is in its infancy, the path still blurry, and the wonder still building.  So, I have renamed this blog and the URL and domain name to simply William Ricci – www.williamricci.com

This also combines two other websites into this one and becomes a portal of sorts to writing, editing, technology, nature and other things of interest.  At the same time I will be moving the Mountains and Ice material to its own separate site to be located at Host Gator.  The URL and domain name will be www.mountainsandice.com.  This is the beginning of an idea I have been pondering that I hope to expand upon.

With less than 4-weeks to go until Mt. Rainier, eyes and focus now turn from the ground at my feet, to the 14,411 foot peak beneath lenticular clouds.

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