Alaska 2013 – Summary

I have been away for awhile, taking a break from the corporate world and losing myself in nature. Accepting that part of me that desires to challenge my mental and physical health, I spent nine days in Alaska. Seven were taking advantage of what is Alaska and dealing with what it throws at you. At the mercy of very unpredictable weather, conditions ranged from sunny and 60s, to rain, gale force winds, fog, mist, more rain, 40s, ice pellets, and hiking over snow.

Once I am back on normal time and healed from being spanked by Alaska, I will post photos. Additionally, a story from part of the trip will be published in an upcoming edition of Stone Path Review.

Pre-trip day 1 and 2 were spent near downtown Anchorage.

Summary of the adventure:

Day 1: Kayaking in Prince William Sound after a water taxi out near Decision Point due to awesome weather and wave conditions.

Day 2: Kayaking in Prince William Sound. This night had the worse weather with wind and rain threatening to take tent tarps, the tents themselves, and us off into the cold and roiling water.

Day 3: Very little kayaking in Prince William Sound as we were working to break camp and prepare for a water taxi out as the awesome weather continued. Drove through Girdwood and Hope. Setup camp near Hope. Sigh of relief all round as the weather was calm.

Day 4: Whitewater rafting on 6 Mile Creek through three canyons with class 4 and 5 rapids. Drove through Anchorage, stopping for dinner at Moose’s Tooth. Camping was at Kings River.

Day 5: Glacier climbing on the Matanuska glacier at Glacier View. Camping was at Kings River.

Day 6: Drove to Snowbird trail head in Hatcher Pass. Hiked to Tarn Lake and setup camp. Hiked with an elevation gain of 700 feet to windy, snowing, and icy view of Snowbird glacier.

Day 7: Hiked back to trail head and drove back to civilization.

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