Fall 2013 Stone Path Review

featured-image_01The 8th issue of Stone Path Review has been published. This marks the closure of our second year of publishing. What started out as a simple idea with no long-term plan has become an extension of our passion and appreciation of the arts. We look forward to the third year and beyond and will rollout other media following the goals and mission of Stone Path Review. We also hope to have a release party in the near future. Please follow our blog or on Facebook for more information and announcements.

Thank you to our readers and artist who trust your work with us. We would not be here without you.

This issue’s featured artist is writer Kevin Zepper and includes an interview, along with a selection of his poetry.

Poetry by: A. J. Huffman, Bradley Hamlin, Craig Steele, Don Cellini, James Valvis, Kevin Zepper, Milton P. Ehrlich, Ryan Bermuda
Short Stories by: Melodie Corrigall, Tabitha Holcombe
Visual Arts by: Dr. Ernest Williamson III, John J. Sikkila, Susan Sweetland Garay
Cover Photograph by: Aaron Bowen

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